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Collecting Metadata

To achieve this, add a property called metadataInputs to your configuration object:

metadataInputs: [ /* input fields */ ],

The members of this array should have the following shape:

name: string,
type: 'text' | 'date' | 'color' | 'email' | 'url',
required: boolean,
defaultValue?: 'string',
public?: true,

All fields are required except for public, which defaults to false and defaultValue. Metadata is considered protected by default, so the only people who can view it are the lock owner and the user associated with the metadata. If any metadata should be visible to everyone, mark the public field as true.

If any input has required: true, it will render on the form with a red asterisk next to it and the metadata form will not submit until it is filled appropriately.

Field names should be unique; if they are not then there may be collisions when storing the data.

The type field maps to a certain subset of HTML <input> types, which influences how the form renders. The following configuration results in a checkout that looks like image below it.

"name":"First Name",
"placeholder":"John Doe",
"name":"Last Name",
"name":"Favorite Color",
In this example, first and last names are required and all other fields are optional.

After the user fills out the form and clicks the "Continue" button, they will be prompted to sign a message so the data can be verified as coming from them. After they sign, the key purchase will initiate.


If the user already has an active membership, they will not be prompted to complete the metadata form!